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5 Tips to Keep Your Hands Warm This Winter

Posted by Bryony Jade SheHer on

Whether you're working from home, enjoying winter walks, or curling up with a good book, Wristees® offer the ideal solution to keep you warm and cosy throughout the winter season.

A winter chill can bring many issues for those with circulatory conditions, stiffness, and pain caused by the colder months. Of course, some of us are more sensitive to the cold than others. Keeping your wrists covered while leaving your fingers free can be massively beneficial for sustaining warmth throughout the day. Gloves are great, but taking them on and off constantly loses the vital heat you’ve built up.

Here are some top tips to stay warm with Wristees®...

1. Layer Up for Extra Warmth

If you suffer from conditions like Raynaud's, it’s beneficial to layer up to trap heat. Our pleated Wristees® work wonders for this, as they are designed to trap warmth and are easy to layer under big coats. If you suffer from poor circulation, it’s important to warm your core as well as protect your hands and wrists. Layer up to stay toasty!

2. Always Carry Extra Warmers

Be prepared and always carry an extra warmer or two in your bag. It’s much easier to warm up if you’re not already extremely cold. Our Wristees® and cuffs fold away nicely in a handbag or backpack, making them convenient for on-the-go warmth.

3. Match Your Warmers to Your Activity

Our Wristees® are incredibly versatile, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. Perfect for cold offices and classrooms, they are ideal for our tech-driven world. Wristees® keep you warm while allowing you to continue your office tasks or using your phone for maps whilst on your adventures. We also offer a mini hot water bottles, perfect for tucking into the small of your back or placing on your lap while working at a computer.

4. Keep Your Hands Free

Wristees® keep your hands warm while leaving your fingers free, allowing you to carry out tasks without removing them. If you need your whole hand exposed for washing or other tasks, simply push them up over your wrist.

5. Don’t Forget Your Ankles and Head

Your ankles and head release a significant amount of body heat, so it's essential to protect these areas from the cold as well. We offer a variety of colourful and fun Anklees (leg warmers) and beanies that are both practical and stylish.
Bonus Tip: Get Wiggling!

And most importantly, get wiggling those hands! Movement helps to increase circulation and keeps your hands warm.

By following these tips and using Wristees®, you can stay warm and comfortable during the colder months. Whether you're working from home, out for a walk, or simply trying to stay warm indoors, Wristees® offer a stylish and practical solution.

Explore our full range of hand warmers and accessories here!

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