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0117 9049698 | Hand crafted accessories

Take a Walk with Wristees®

Posted by Anna Falcke on

Style Guide 

It’s Wristee® time!

Now the weather is changing and our best selling Wristees® are becoming the go-to accessory once again! We have an array of colourful and flamboyant designs to show you and even more on the horizon too! (keep an eye on our social channels).

Our classic fingerless glove fold away into your bags or pockets nicely and are perfect a weekend stroll or to take the dog out. Our ‘‘hugs for your hands’ will be there for you and ready in any weather, so be sure to check out our guide below to see which Wristee® we recommend specially for each season!

...Why not take a walk around Bristol with us? Stop, get your Wristee® gloves on and click here for our suggested local walks Bristolians!

Wristee®: Fingerless Gloves for each Season

Autumn Months 

GOT Organic Cotton: Don't forget your mask wherever you are, things are changing throughout the pandemic, but I still feel safer carrying one whatever the restrictions! We have super soft and comfortable GOT fabric masks, they come with a neck loop so you can have it on you at all times. 

We have a wide range of GOT organic cotton stock too, but we recommended our Organic Wristees® to keep your hands snug throughout the autumn period, they are a best seller and for the eco-conscious buyer looking for something that provides warmth and style-  sustainably!

If you love the design of these but notice during mid winter your not as warm in these, we have had customers layer them up with some plain gloves underneath to let the fabulous jacquard design still shine through! 

Keep watching this space as we have other Organic Wristees® in the making and hope to soon be launching velvet too!

The Colder Seasons 

Pleated Wristee®: We recommend our pleated fleece Wristee® for the colder months! They work really well as a winter go-to, they fold away on your bag and dry in minutes if you get caught in a shower. The special pleats help trap the warmth in at the wrist and have a snuggly fit to prevent cold air from reaching your hands.

Coldest Point within the Winter

Polar Wristees®: Super warm for those extra cold days!  Our Polar fingerless gloves are ‘very warm’ on the spectrum of the complete Wristee® range. 

Double thickness and incredibly cosy for extra warmth and comfort. Made from 100% spun polyester.

...We also have a beautiful double layered Wristees® in our velvet range.  Stunning jewel coloured velvets with a  pleated fleece liner.  Gorgeous and extra special for gifts.

Great Walking Routes in Bristol 

We have had our Bristol workshop based at The Hive in St Annes for 7 years now.  The views from the workshop are probably the best from an Industrial Estate you could get.  Walks from our workshop are pretty spectacular, on the edge of the River Avon with waterside paths and spectacular views across the city from Troopers Hill.  As a celebration of all things Bristol, we would love to share with you our favourite #Wristee walks around the local area...👣

Take a walk with Wristees® here.

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